A few things happened to me about camera in last 2 weeks. First, I finally sold my 1D Mark II N. It was bought from a gentleman who only used 1660 clicks from the camera. He ended up getting two Leica M8 afterward as I know. Jessie and I decided to shoot together professionally at that point. After spoiled by high mega pixel and high ISO cameras such as 5D Mark I/II for 5 years, its 8.2 Mega Pixel couldn't catch up. At the same time, Jessie doesn't like the buttons of older 1D models. BUT, I really like 1D series. Maybe, I will get a 1Dx later. Who knows?

Second thing... I seldom feel so excited about a new camera coming. Even 1Dx, D4, & D800 etc can't give me this excitement. Of course, I always want to have good cameras for work because they will make our lives much easier. If I'm not mistaken, I've never had a perfect camera for myself. I mean it's not for work but a smaller one for travel or family events. I think you know we LIKE shooting hell a lot of photos in our trips. We like using a prime and 5D Mark II but... it's not a fully weather proof camera. Olympus OM-D E-M5 fits what I need. I want WHEELS! and buttons. Moreover, there are a lot of decent m4/3 lenses in market.
*This photo was shot by a Olympus E-PL1 with kit lens. I enlarged it to 24" x 36" and hanging on our dinning room wall. We were so tired after days of walk at Tokyo. I had to lock my 5D Mark II in hotel room. E-PL1 was our only option.

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