I have to apologize for the slow update of this blog. This months are the busiest period of my recent 10 years. Because of some reasons, I couldn't wait until low season to take the interaction design program in design school. Although I arranged everything for the life of school + family + photo shoots, the stress from 3 sides are bigger than I expected. However, I feel really great to pick up my old skills and knowledge as a graphics designer.
When I created our present Raymond & Jessie Photography website, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) was still very primitive and Flash website was the mainstream. Of course, there was no HTML 5, too. We noticed that iPhone/iPad couldn't read our website's flash items. It wasn't a big problem at the beginning. The busy schedule in Summer and the laziness in Winter made our website update plan delayed (year by year). Therefore, I decided to educate myself again to pick up the skills that I had before becoming a full time professional wedding photographer.
Now, I use my own website rebuild as one of the school website projects. The first version above isn't a complete change from the present one because I want to keep the similar feeling at this moment. It will be uploaded in a month. By the end of this year, I will design a brand new version. Stay tuned!
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Some fun projects from school:
Presentation ate up most of my time...