August 18th, 2008 (81808 - lucky day?) is a special day for Jessie and I. In these years, we have been working very very hard in wedding photography. Finally, our effort is recognized by top professionals. We are accepted by Wedding Photojournalist Association (WPJA) which is the top association of wedding photographers in the world (
http://www.wpja.com/). We can't just pay membership fee to be members. Only a few wedding photographers who are qualified for specific high standards in professional level are accepted by the association.
Jessie phoned me about the news when I was rushing deadline in office. Her tone was happy... I thought she might get a baby or something. After she told me that we were accepted by WPJA, I put down my phone and said, "Yes! Yes! Yes!". (Erin might think I was going crazy in office)
I'm not only happy for myself as a photographer but also happy for Jessie as her partner. She is such a talented artist.
Thanks to all friends and clients who have been supporting us!