Sorry for the late blog update. Jessie and I spent a week at Las Vegas for WPPI Convention & Trade Show 2009. We met a lot of people and some new vendors. It was a great trip except waking up early everyday. (Early plane... early seminars)

I'm Joe McNally's fan for years back from the time I started to be serious with photography. Because of my influence, Jessie became his fan as well. His works for National Geographic are awesome. His use of speedlite is the best. On the first day of WPPI Convention & Trade Show, we finally met him. He walked by me and Jessie told me Joe McNally was just standing beside me. I quickly shot a photo for Jessie with Joe McNally.
We were extremely sleepy at that time. We waked up at 6:30am for attending classes. When Joe did his demo at Nikon booth, he asked Jessie to be his model. His D3X images were sent to the 60" screen at once.

We also met some other people like Bruce Dorn, Jerry Ghionis, etc. We learnt a lot after talking with them and going to their workshops. At Canon's booth, they were heavily promoting 5D Mark II. We had no idea how their video came out with that ugly rack. In the show, we bought some interesting tools back.
After this, we had a short photo session for Joanne and Joseph. We'll show you some highlights in blog later.

Mirage made some changes to its volcano...