Katrine and Colin's wedding was our longest Chinese wedding assignment. We shot 2 pre-wedding sessions and worked on her wedding day for 17 hours. However, the day passed so fast with their great helpers, videographers, and the entertainment of pole dancing (performed by guys). This time we had a wonderful time working with the videopgraphers Ringo and Terry from Hong Kong. They did an amazing job in the same-day edited video. I hope we will have chance to work with them again in the future (either in Hong Kong or Canada). At the same time, Sara did great jobs in Katrina's makeups, for her pre-weddings and the wedding day. We will see her very soon in other weddings.

Terry was editing video. He hided at a corner for hours...

Ringo, Jessie, Katrina, Colin, Terry, Raymond (I'm most out of frame)
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