Monday, March 30, 2020

COVID-19: The Most Difficult Time of All

We hope everyone is staying home safe now. Before COVID-19 getting crazy in Canada, we finished all bookings/jobs before Spring Break and photos in flash drives were delivered to all clients. All Spring time family session promotion and other promotions are paused until the virus is gone. At this moment, we don't expect people have the mood to plan their weddings in 2020 or even at the beginning of 2021.

*When you have a short notice wedding, please let us know. If our schedule works with yours, we will serve you as before after everything is ok.

Raymond has been working on a contract of taking school photos in the recent 7 months. Schools scheduled after Spring Break may not have their 2019-2020 class/school photos. Feel bad for them.

Stay home and stay safe!

Raymond & Jessie
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